Assisting To

Humans across the Globe

Just by providing how a person is feeling, our Symptoms Checker is able to calculate the probability of having a certain condition, Potential cause and what they should do next.

Hospitals/ Healthcare Centres/
Diagnostics labs/ PHCs/ Clinics/ Nursing Homes

It simplifies the lives of patients, doctors and hospital administrators by performing tasks that are typically done by humans, but in less time and at a fraction of the cost.
It also helps to better understand the day-to-day patterns and needs of the people they care for, and with that understanding they are able to provide better feedback, guidance and support for staying healthy.


For Bio-pharma clients we are providing Deep Tech Neural Network Research access.
Also providing an early warning systems for health to Government and Medical Regulators

Insurance Companies

Our Disease Prediction model will help Insurance Companies in taking a better decision while providing Health Insurances to anyone including :-

  • Policy underwritings
  • Medical policies issuance,
  • Health claim settlements
  • New Policy features segmentation
  • Health claim process
  • Insured Coverage tenure
  • Future health criticalities


Any Company can make use of our Products for their Employee’s health & wellness.
By doing so they can ensure in providing a healthy workplace for everyone